Strong Financial Structure
Moxie uses a broad spectrum of structural finance and business disciplines.
Since its formation, Moxie has, most of the time, delivered very satisfactory results including the last full year, 2015. Some years results may be characterized as excellent. The building up of equity has been very satisfactory.
Profit and realised capital gains are continuously being reinvested in both existing and new businesses. Moxie AS is an AAA credit rated company (Bisnode/Dun & Bradstreet/AAA Soliditet).
The engagements in which Moxie is involved, are carried out through the parent company, its subsidiaries and associated companies, and through loans and equity investments.
The booked equity ratio is approximately 95 %, and in addition to this there are substantial unrealised values in subsidiaries and associated companies. Thus Moxie has a proven solid track record.
“Press Release Annual Accounts 2013”